Services Overview

Managing change is hard.

You need to see all projects as “change management challenges.”

My consulting work focuses on helping you identify and focus on the critical factors that enable you to manage change and projects successfully. It’s essential for you, in the earliest stages to 1) identify the true, underlying nature of your challenge or problem; 2) design an effective solution; and 3) put together a team that can bring about your desired changes through smart project implementation.

Using my expertise and experience, I can provide support in these ways:

Look over the horizon

I can help you and your staff sharpen your knowledge, understanding and skills to handle the challenges of the “near future,” so you can:

  • Anticipate how and when trends, opportunities and disruptions could impact your operations.
  • Assess how specific trends and technologies could fit or conflict with your organization’s unique culture.

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Create Teams Built for Success

The decisions you make early in a project can lead to highly functional project teams and help the project avoid common pitfalls. Attention to the team’s structure and processes can save money and valuable time. I can help you:

  • Understand what works and what goes wrong
  • Prepare you to manage the disruptions and setbacks that frequently derail projects

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Design a Winning Solution

Working together we can design a solution that focuses on the most critical challenge or problem you are facing. I can help you:

  • Develop a “design mindset” that supplements the rational and analytical processes we normal rely on with our intuition; our ability to discover hidden assumptions and patterns; and to surface critical requirements and behavior changes.
  • Evaluate alternative solutions, including those that are unconventional and “out-of-the-box.”

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