David Washburn
I have been a problem-solver throughout my career. I like the challenge of solving difficult problems.
My highest priorities are 1) to make sure my clients are solving the right problem; 2) to help them understand the impact that assumptions, explicit or hidden, have on the design and implementation of a successful solution; and 3) to give my clients confidence that they are making the best decisions.
My roles include consultant, designer, analyst, planner, advisor, inventor, and technology architect.
How I work:
I have a degree in psychology from Boston University, where I also studied anthropology and computer science. I worked for major healthcare institutions and a top IT consulting company in Boston; I worked at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland for two years; and I was Director for Information Services for a large agricultural cooperative bank for eight years.
In 1989 I founded my own independent consulting company based in Amherst, MA. I have traveled extensively for clients doing projects in the US, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. My clients are in healthcare, aerospace, high-tech, financial services, higher education and government.
I have worked on a wide variety of projects, including strategic planning; strategic application of technology; product design and development; software application architecture and design; education and training; team building; and organization and workflow design. I have acted as an advisor and advocate for clients when they needed to interact with technical specialists and technology vendors.
I was the chief architect of several large software applications including a bank-wide loan accounting system, a web-enabled enterprise-wide hazardous waste tracking system, several special-interest websites for top diabetes doctors and educators in Asia and Europe, and I developed and deployed a suite of tools for virtual team collaboration in the aerospace industry.
I have presented seminars and training programs in the US, Europe and Asia. Titles for these programs include Strategic IT Planning, Designing Executive Information Systems, Strategies and Techniques for Developing End-User Support Organizations, and Design of Distributed Databases and Applications. I led seminars for sales personnel at high-tech companies on How to Understand and Communicate with Business Managers.
Independent of my clients I am developing several inventions that will become “participants” in the rapidly emerging “Internet of Things.” These devices are narrowly task-focused – they integrate services, hardware and software, and exploit the “always connected internet.”
I have been interviewed for articles in the New York Times Business Section and the Boston Globe Magazine. My work was featured in the book Information Center: Strategies and Case Studies by Shaku Atre, and I was major source and technical advisor on the book Tech Trending: The Technology Survival Guide for Visionary Managers.